fully rented: the apartment is 100% full | did room advertising: you had to adertise empty rooms on facebook or roomies or rmready | did room showing, you had to meet with roomies via wahtsapp or in person to show a room or get a roomie to do it | high cleaning scores: neatkeeper scores for the house are recorded weeky, we have found good AH's are able to creat a culturea that leads to roomies doing their chores | utility costs low, well run houses tend to have lower utility costs and AHs' are able to get rooies to turn heat down when no one home | turnover rate low: well run houses are able to keep a low turn over rate not just with low rental rates | managed supplies: to be honest, supplies in the sns system is still yet to be perfected, we have found that when AH's "take over" supplies, either buying them themselves or messaging the roomie with the supplies chores, houses have the correct supplies | how close to market: we try to reward homeowners in our system with rents close to the market, if your apartment rents are close to the market, it helps the system | took intiative: great AH's take inititie to make the apartment better, this is a myriad of things, let us know so we can make a not of it.' | ttl rent reduction: this is the amount we reduce the rent by |